General Admission Requirements
1. Degree: An undergraduate bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S. or Canadian college or university prior to matriculation, with a minimum GPA of 3.0, as calculated by PostBacCAS.
Prospective students who are enrolled in a bachelors degree program, but will graduate with their degree before the program begins, are eligible to apply.
2. Coursework: We recommend that individuals have not completed more than 50% of the program's courses during their undergraduate education (e.g., general and organic chemistry, biology, and physics) within the past five years.
3. Transcripts: An official transcript from every college and university you attended, whether or not a degree was earned, must be submitted in the application.
4. Test Scores: While not required, official standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, or GRE) are highly recommended for applicants to the pre-med track, as they will be requested by medical schools as part of the linkage agreements.
5. Recommendations: Two letters of recommendation are required and must be submitted through PostBacCAS.
Letters of recommendation are preferred/encouraged from:
- Academic instructors who can strongly attest to your academic ability, and/or
- Individuals, ideally health care professionals, who served in a supervisory capacity for you or have known you for an extended time and can strongly attest to your work ethic and promise in the medical field.
- Recommendations written by family or friends are not accepted.