
The goal of the faculty and staff of Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medicine Certificate program at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences is to ensure every student is prepared to begin their careers as physicians, dentists, or PAs. The highly personalized advising and strong intra-cohort support that promotes academic success as students study and apply to medical school or other health-related graduate programs.

The program teaching faculty are doctorally-prepared and have extensive experience in the discipline in which they teach. In addition, the speakers of the Current Topics in Health include GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty, as well as external experts, in a number of fields integral to the healthcare enterprise.


Sawali Sudarshan, MD, PhD

Director of the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medicine Program
Assistant Professor, Department of PA Studies

Rohini Ganjoo, PhD

Director of MLS Program
Associate Professor of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences
Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies (Secondary)

Bart Gillum, DSc., PA-C

Assistant Professor, Department of PA Studies

Souheil Ghannouchi, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of PA Studies

Lauren Ragle, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of PA Studies

Patti Goldblatt, MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences

Jessica Nash, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Department of PA Studies

Adjunct Teaching Faculty

The PostBacc Pre-Medicine and Pre-PA program engages several former students who serve as tutors for all students during laboratory sessions and curriculum review sessions.

Robbie Andrews

Robbie Andrews


Rebecca Corder

Rebecca "Becca" Corder


Eleanor Ball

Eleanor Ball