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Members of Cohort 5 took some time between lectures to show off their Halloween Costumes. Pictured are students in various group costumes like the Scooby Doo gang, an artist & their art, and colleagues from the Dunder Mufflin Paper Company.
Post-bac student Dayna Gager, recently became a US citizen. The class was able to take a break from learning long enough to celebrate this monumental occasion with her. Congratulations Dayna!
Members of Cohort 5 Todd Greer, Kayla McGowan, Meg Winata and Michael Ariza were able to spend a day touring the NIH and National Library of Medicine recently. A highlight of the day was learning about research and gap year opportunities, as well as seeing Dr. Marshal Nirenbuerg's chart…
A productive and enriching evening was had by all, as PBPM alumni returned to help out in the "Mock Multiple-Mini Interview" workshop. This annual event is held prior to graduation each year so students can hone interview skills in preparation for applying to medical school. Left to right are…
Members of the GWU Cohort 4 were invited to participate in The Uniform Services University medical school anatomy lab dissection this Spring. In addition to getting some excellent teaching on human anatomy, students were able to interact with medical school faculty and staff and get sage advice on…
We would like take a moment today to express our respect, honor and gratitude to all the men and women who have served our country. We remember the words of Douglas MacArther who said, "Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what…
Members of Cohort 4 took some time between lectures to show off their Halloween Costumes. Pictured are students with their two beloved TAs, Geni and Archita, as well as their amazing Biology Professor, Dr. Rohini Ganjoo. 
Congratulations to Lindsay Pattison, a graduate of Cohort 3, who stopped by to give us an update. She has had SIX medical school interviews already this year, and just received her first acceptance at Quinnipiac Medical School!
On September 21, six of our Cohort 4 students attend a “field trip” to the Uniformed Services University. The day started with an inspirational speech by Dr. Harold Kushner, a retired Army physician held prisoner-of-war during the Vietnam War. LCDR Rob Liotta, MD of the US Navy gave us a…
For Caitlin Davis, the pivot from economics to medicine materialized after years of working in health policy research and witnessing the difference an expert could make in the medical field. For Matt McHarg, it came after struggles with his own health. For both, the desire to change their life and…